Agnieszka Olszewska

Agnieszka Olszewska

Agnieszka Olszewska

Agnieszka Olszewska is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Pedagogical University in Krakow, in the discipline of linguistics. A graduate of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University and of speech therapy at the Pedagogical University. She works at the centre for neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation, where she conducts speech therapy, swallowing disorders and respiratory therapy with patients after strokes, craniocerebral trauma, traffic accidents and neurodegenerative diseases. Her research interests focus on stimulation and restoration of the communication system in adults, restoration of physiological breathing and restoration of function in dysphagia disorders. Her research for her dissertation draws on her professional experience and focuses on the correlation of respiratory-phonatory-articulatory disorders.

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