Katarzyna Panek

Katarzyna Panek

Katarzyna Panek

I am a student of the Doctoral School of the Pedagogical University of Cracow in the field of linguistics. I completed five-year full-time studies in Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University. I am also a graduate of bachelor’s degree studies in the Teachers’ College of Foreign Languages of the Jagiellonian University and postgraduate studies in teaching Polish as a foreign and second language at the Pedagogical University of Cracow.

I teach Polish in public educational institutions and in projects dedicated to children from Polish emigrant communities co-ordinated by the Polish Emigration Community Education Foundation.

My research interests are glottodidactics of Polish language in emigrant communities and ecolinguistics.

In my research project, I analyse communication strategies in Polish multilingual families. I investigate the motives of parents when making a decision to maintain their mother tongue when living abroad.

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