Krzysztof Kowalczyk

Krzysztof Kowalczyk

Krzysztof Kowalczyk

Krzysztof Adam Kowalczyk, MA – Geographer. Graduate of socio-economic geography and spatial economy and regional development at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the KEN Pedagogical University in Cracow in the discipline of socio-economic geography and spatial economy.
Scientific research related to the dissertation is embedded in the physiognomic and semiotic-aesthetic current of landscape studies and concerns the role that the urban landscape plays in the subjective perception of the quality of life and visual attractiveness of the place of residence.
Research interests are oriented to the issues of perception and aesthetics of the environment, spatial order, quality of life, economic value of the landscape and its intangible aspects, as well as humanistic, political and urban geography.

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